PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: CS16584
Label: Gross Outstanding Loans And Advances For Retail Banking
Concept Guidance:
This is the value, as at the relevant date, of the following:- outstanding loans and advances provided to households; and - cash holdings of notes and coins.     Loans and advances are those financial assets categorised as "Loans and Receivables" in the accounting standards, other than "Trade Receivables" and "Cash". 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution's holdings of financial instruments based on the 'book type' ('Banking Book' or 'Trading Book') to which the instrument belongs, as determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.
The information reported relates to an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution's holdings of financial instruments in the banking book, as agreed with APRA.
This dimension identifies the measurement scenario under which the reported value was calculated.
The value reported is the principal amount, or notional principal amount. The principal amount represents the outstanding face value, or gross amount, of an on-balance sheet asset or liability.The notional principal amount represents the face value, or gross amount, of an off-balance sheet transaction (e.g. the committed amount, or limit of a loan facility).This does not represent the fair value.
This dimension is used to report information based on an offset period relative to the reporting date.
The date(s) relating to the reported information is/are exactly 18 months prior to the date(s) of the reporting period.For example, where the reporting date is 30 June XXX2, the information reported is as at 31 December XXX0.Where the reporting period is 1 January XXX2 to 30 June XXX2, the information reported relates to the period 1 July XXX0 to 31 December XXX0.