PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: CS26052
Label: Provision of facilities
Concept Guidance:
The value of facilities provided to securitisation programs by the reporting entity, in accordance with Prudential Standard APS 120 Securitisation. 
Form-Specifc Guidance:
Do not report any self-securitisation structures or other securitisation arrangements with overseas central banks.
Dimension Member Description
This dimension identifies the measurement approach used to calculate this amount.
The information reported is in relation to the notional amount and represents the total contractually committed amount or limit of any facility.
The information categories securitised exposures according to the type of facility.
The information reported is in relation to a contractual arrangement in which an entity provides some degree of protection against credit losses to other parties holding a securitisation exposure.
This dimension categorises information reported in relation to securities held, based on the reporting entity's relationship to the issuing counterparty.
Report only where the issuing counterparty is a securitisation and was originated by the reporting entity (i.e. where the reporting entity is known as the originating entity). The reporting entity is determined to be the originating entity with respect to a particular securitisation, where the reporting entity: (i) directly or indirectly originates underlying exposures in the pool; (ii) is the managing entity of the securitisation; or (iii) provides a facility (other than derivatives) or credit enhancement to an Asset Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) securitisation.