PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: BSAO27350
Label: All other assets
Concept Guidance:
The value of all assets not reported elsewhere in net stable funding ratio (NSFR), under Prudential Standard APS 210 - Liquidity, Attachment C. 
Form-Specifc Guidance:
Including loans to financial institution counterparties with a residual maturity of one year or more, non-exchange traded equities, fixed assets, retained interest, insurance assets and subsidiary interests.
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises reported data for liquidity residual maturity buckets of balance sheet items based on contractual maturity and calculated in accordance with Prudential Standard APS 210 - Liquidity, Attachment C.
The reported information relates to items that have a term to maturity of greater than or equal to 6 months, but less than 12 months.