PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: BSL11044
Label: Deposits Held - Non-Transaction Accounts Excluding Term Deposits
Concept Guidance:
This is a balancing item in the list in which it is being used.This is the balance of deposit accounts held as at the relevant date for which the reporting party may only pay the account holder and which are not term deposits. Term deposits refer to an account in which money has been placed for a fixed period of time for a stated interest rate.Deposits are amounts which are redeemable or withdrawable by depositors from the reporting party. 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises reported data according to the residency of the counterparty. Residency is determined by the domicile of the counterparty.Branches are classified as residents of the country in which they operate.
Information in relation to transactions in which the counterparty is a resident of Australia. Residency is determined by the domicile of the counterparty.Australian branches and Australian subsidiaries of foreign businesses are regarded as Australian residents.
This dimension categorises reported information based on the type of relationship between two or more counterparties.
Report only where the counterparty does not have an intra-group relationship with the reporting party. An intra-group relationship exists between a reporting party and its parent entity, controlled entities, associated entities, joint ventures and other branches under the same parent entity.
This dimension categorises the reported data according to the type of counterparty the entity has transacted with.
This is a balancing item in the list in which it is being used.The counterparty in relation to the information is any entity, other than those which are classified as:- Corporations;- Unincorporated businesses;- General Government;- Individuals; and- Community service organisations/non-profit institutions serving households (individuals).
This dimension categorises the reported data according to the currency in which the transactions were originally denominated.
The information reported is in relation to the currency represented by the current ISO 4217 code of AUD