PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: PL02008
Label: Realised fair value gains and (losses) - Derivatives
Concept Guidance:
This is the value, during the relevant period, of the net realised gains and losses in relation to the disposal of derivatives during the relevant period.Derivatives are generally defined as those instruments/contracts, where the value is based on other products, and/or on prices associated with financial products. Derivative contracts involve:- Future delivery, receipt or exchange of financial items such as cash or another derivative instrument; or- Future exchange of real assets for financial items where the contract may be tradeable and has a market value.The contracts can either be binding on both parties (e.g. as with a currency swap) or subject to the exercise by one party of a right contained within the contract (as with options).This item excludes foreign exchange gains (losses) from currency conversions of derivatives. 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution's holdings of financial instruments based on the 'book type' ('Banking Book' or 'Trading Book') to which the instrument belongs, as determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.
The information reported relates to an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution's holdings of financial instruments in the banking book, as agreed with APRA.