PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: PL00103
Label: Other interest income
Concept Guidance:
The amount of interest income derived from anything other than securities and recognised as income under the Accounting Standards during the relevant period.  Securities are paper certificates (definitive securities) or electronic records (book-entry securities) evidencing ownership of equity or debt obligations. 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises reported data according to the residency of the counterparty. Residency is determined by the domicile of the counterparty.Branches are classified as residents of the country in which they operate.
Information in relation to transactions in which the counterparty is a resident of Australia. Residency is determined by the domicile of the counterparty.Australian branches and Australian subsidiaries of foreign businesses are regarded as Australian residents.
This dimension categorises the reported information in accordance with the type of counterparty the entity has transacted with.
The counterparty in relation to the information is the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA).