PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: R14467
Label: Risk transfers - Inward risk transfer
Concept Guidance:
This is the value, as at the relevant date, of inward risk transfers that reallocated risk to the country of the immediate borrower from the country of ultimate risk as a result of guarantees, collateral, and credit derivatives which are part of the banking book. This includes risk-transfers between different economic sectors in the same country.There are four potential forms of risk reallocation:i. Lending to a non-resident that is guaranteed by a non-resident third party. In this case both the outward risk transfer from the original borrower and the risk transfer to the guarantor have to be reported.ii. Lending to a non-resident that is guaranteed by an Australian resident third party. In  this  case  both  the  outward  risk  transfer  from  the  original  non-resident borrower has to be reported as well as the inward risk transfer to Australia.iii. Lending to a resident that is guaranteed by a non-resident third party. In this case, report the outward risk transfer from Australia as well as the inward risk transfer to the non-resident guarantor.iv. Lending to a non-resident where the exposure is extinguished by receiving a cash collateral. In  this  case  only  the  outward  risk  transfer  from  the  original  non-resident borrower has to be reported (but no inward risk transfer to Australia). 
Form-Specifc Guidance:
The information on the reallocation of claims should be reported as net risk transfers, i.e. the difference of reallocated claims that increase the exposure (inward risk transfers) and those, which reduce the exposure (outward risk transfers) vis-à-vis a given country. All outward and inward risk transfers should add up to the same total.
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises the reported information by the country of residence/location of the counterparty from whom the reporting party directly derives its return on investment in the financial asset and on whom the reporting party has the primary claim when liquidating the asset.  Residence/location is determined by where the entity is permanently located, physically and/or by way of law or registration, inside or outside a country's borders.  Foreign branches or subsidiaries are classified as residents of the country in which they operate.