PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: R13472
Label: Total Holdings
Concept Guidance:
This is the value, as at the relevant date, of the net assets of unit trusts or managed investment schemes invested in by the reporting party, or mandates individually managed on behalf of the reporting party. 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises the reported data according to whether or not the assets are owned and managed by the reporting entity.
Information in relation to assets held or investments made via an investment vehicle.
This dimension identifies the measurement scenario under which the reported value was calculated.
The value reported is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction.The fair value should be able to be determined through observation of similar transactions, quoted market prices, independent valuations or if there is no readily observable market, through the ability to liquidate the item or through assessing the net present value of future cash flows.
This dimension categorises reported information based on the type of relationship between two or more counterparties.
The counterparty in relation to the information reported is the parent of the reporting party, as determined in accordance with accounting standards.