PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: R13404
Label: Other adjustments
Concept Guidance:
This is the value, as at the relevant date, of adjustments which include potential reinsurance recoverables from aggregate reinsurance cover. Aggregate reinsurance cover is eligible to be considered for inclusion once the aggregate reinsurance cover has reached its attachment point, or will as a result of the occurrence of natural perils probable maximum loss, or net whole-of-portfolio loss, as appropriate. 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises the reported information based on the methods used to calculate insurance concentration risk charge, as determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.
The reported information relates to the natural perils vertical requirement method used to calculate insurance concentration risk charge and is determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.Natural perils are all natural events, such as earthquakes, storms and cyclones as well as man-made disasters, such as bushfires, that affect property risks and other classes of business to which an insurer is exposed to.Vertical requirement refers to the impact of a single large event.