PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: OI11575
Label: Eligible credit support applied?
Concept Guidance:
This indicates whether the reporting entity has applied the eligible credit support to calculate the asset concentration risk charge, where the exposure is covered by an eligible collateral, guarantee, or letter of credit.A choice of TRUE/FALSE values. true = The reporting entity has applied the eligible credit support. false = The reporting entity has not applied the eligible credit support. 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises the reported information by category of asset exposure after the application of eligible credit support and is determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.
This dimension is used to segment data based on the categories of asset exposures contained in the relevant prudential standards.
The information reported relates to exposures categorised as non-reinsurance.
This is the name given by the reporting party to the group to which the counterparty belongs.