PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: BSE11473
Label: Tax effect of net OCP and PL surplus /(deficit)
Concept Guidance:
This is the amount, as at the relevant date, of the tax effect relating to the outstanding claims liabilities (OCL) surplus/deficit and premiums liabilities surplus/deficit (i.e. the corporate tax rate multiplied by the net amount).An OCL surplus/deficit results if the OCL net of any recoveries, determined in accordance with accounting standards exceeds (or is in deficit of) the equivalent figure determined in accordance with prudential standards.A premium liabilities surplus/deficit results if the premium liability proxy calculated from figures determined in accordance with accounting standards exceeds (or is in deficit of) the equivalent figure determined in accordance with prudential standards. 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises the reported data according to where it is deemed to be in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards.
The information reported is in relation to assets and liabilities defined under the Act as being in Australia.