PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: R11856
Label: Outstanding Claims Provision
Concept Guidance:
This is the value, as at the relevant date, of the outstanding claims provision (OCP), gross of any recoveries, determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.The OCP relates to all claims incurred prior to the valuation date, whether or not they have been reported to the insurer. The value of the OCP must include an amount in respect of the expenses that the insurer expects to incur in settling these claims. The value of OCP must not include any Government charges directly imposed on the insurer such as levies, duties and taxes, but must be gross of input tax credit recoveries.The OCP will be measured as the present value of the future expected payments, i.e. discounted for future investment income, plus a risk margin determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards. 
Dimension Member Description
This dimension categorises the reported information according to where items of income/expense are on risk, assets are invested and liabilities are located.
The country is United States