PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Attribute: E15181
Label: Reinsurance recoverable outstanding from second annual balance date after the event - central estimate
Concept Guidance:
This is the value, as at the relevant date, of reinsurance recoverables in relation to reinsurance contracts for outstanding claims. 
Form-Specifc Guidance:
The reported data represents at least 95 per cent of the sum of the regulated institution’s total central estimate of reinsurance recoverables (including recoverables on paid claims overdue for more than six months and recoverables outstanding from the second annual balance date after the event) and deferred reinsurance expense.
Dimension Member Description
This dimension classifies assets according to the likelihood of their full economic benefits being realised.
The data reported relates to amounts receivable that are outstanding on or from the second annual balance date after the date of the event giving rise to the receivable.
This dimension categorises information by the distribution of probabilistic outcomes.
The information relates to the Central Estimate, determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards. The central estimate is intended to reflect the mean value in the range of possible values for the outcome (that is, the mean of the distribution of probabilistic outcomes). This does not include any risk margin.