PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Label: Income Insurance Activities Amount
TREF ID: DE13113
Data Type: xbrli:monetaryItemType
Period Type: duration
Balance Type: credit
Business Description & Guidance:
This is the value, during the relevant period, for inflows sourced from insurance activities. 

Form Labels
Insurance related inflows
This includes insurance claim benefits or proceeds credited to member accounts, reinsurance benefits, rebate income received on premiums charged, fee rebates received against insurance fees charged to members and changes in insurance liabilities or reinsurance assets.
Insurance related inflows
Includes: insurance claim benefits or proceeds credited to member accounts, reinsurance benefits, rebate income received on premiums charged, fee rebates received against insurance fees charged to members and changes in insurance liabilities or reinsurance assets.
Insurance related inflows
This includes insurance claim benefits or proceeds credited to member accounts, reinsurance benefits, rebate income received on premiums charged, fee rebates received against insurance fees charged to members and changes in insurance liabilities or reinsurance assets.
Insurance related inflows - Superannuation
Includes: insurance claim benefits or proceeds credited to member accounts, reinsurance benefits, rebate income received on premiums charged, fee rebates received against insurance fees charged to members and changes in insurance liabilities or reinsurance assets.