PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Label: Assets Cash Inflows Contractual Other Amount
TREF ID: DE13298
Data Type: xbrli:monetaryItemType
Period Type: instant
Balance Type: debit
Business Description & Guidance:
This is the value of all other contractual cash inflows that are not categorised elsewhere. 

Form Labels
Other contractual cash inflows
Include under Items 5.1 to 5.6 the total amount by underlying currency exposure. For derivatives cash flows by currency (ARF 210.1A only) report the following: For FX transactions involving full exchange of principal: - relating to the transformation of liabilities in one currency for the purpose of funding assets in another, report the gross amount; - relating to proprietary trading, market-making or customer facilitation in FX derivatives, exclude the cash flows in their entirety. Other derivatives may be shown on a net basis if the netted inflows and outflows meet the triple test above.
Other contractual cash inflows
Include under Items 5.1 to 5.6 the total amount by underlying currency exposure. For derivatives cash flows by currency (ARF 210.1A only) report the following: For FX transactions involving full exchange of principal: - relating to the transformation of liabilities in one currency for the purpose of funding assets in another, report the gross amount; - relating to proprietary trading, market-making or customer facilitation in FX derivatives, exclude the cash flows in their entirety. Other derivatives may be shown on a net basis if the netted inflows and outflows meet the triple test above.
Contractual cash inflows
Report outflows as positive numbers and inflows as negative numbers.