PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Label: Expense Treatment Fees Amount
TREF ID: DE14074
Data Type: xbrli:monetaryItemType
Period Type: duration
Balance Type: debit
Business Description & Guidance:
This is the value, during the relevant period, for the known or invoiced fee charged by the provider for treatment. 

Form Labels
Fees charged
When reporting by age category, the fees charged should be reported against the relevant age at the time the treatment was done, not the against the age of the person in the current reporting period, because sometimes claims are made and benefits paid long after the actual treatment. In Part 11 Total hospital treatment medical services statistics, only report fees charged by the medical provider.
Fees charged
When reporting by age category, the fees charged should be reported against the relevant age at the time the treatment was done, not the against the age of the person in the current reporting period, because sometimes claims are made and benefits paid long after the actual treatment. In Part 11 Total hospital treatment medical services statistics, only report fees charged by the medical provider.
Fees charged
When reporting by age category, the fees charged should be reported against the relevant age at the time the treatment was done, not the against the age of the person in the current reporting period, because sometimes claims are made and benefits paid long after the actual treatment. In Part 11 Total hospital treatment medical services statistics, only report fees charged by the medical provider.
Fees charged
When reporting by age category, the fees charged should be reported against the relevant age at the time the treatment was done, not the against the age of the person in the current reporting period, because sometimes claims are made and benefits paid long after the actual treatment. In Part 11 Total hospital treatment medical services statistics, only report fees charged by the medical provider.
Fees charged
When reporting by age category, the fees charged should be reported against the relevant age at the time the treatment was done, not the against the age of the person in the current reporting period, because sometimes claims are made and benefits paid long after the actual treatment. In Part 11 Total hospital treatment medical services statistics, only report fees charged by the medical provider.
Fees charged
When reporting by age category, the fees charged should be reported against the relevant age at the time the treatment was done, not the against the age of the person in the current reporting period, because sometimes claims are made and benefits paid long after the actual treatment. In Part 11 Total hospital treatment medical services statistics, only report fees charged by the medical provider.
Fees charged
When reporting by age category, the fees charged should be reported against the relevant age at the time the treatment was done, not the against the age of the person in the current reporting period, because sometimes claims are made and benefits paid long after the actual treatment. In Part 11 Total hospital treatment medical services statistics, only report fees charged by the medical provider.
Fees charged
When reporting by age category, the fees charged should be reported against the relevant age at the time the treatment was done, not the against the age of the person in the current reporting period, because sometimes claims are made and benefits paid long after the actual treatment. In Part 11 Total hospital treatment medical services statistics, only report fees charged by the medical provider.
Fees charged
Fees charged
Fees charged
Fees charged
Fees charged
Fees charged
Fees charged
Fees charged