PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Label: Liabilities Gross Negative Market Amount
TREF ID: DE14215
Data Type: xbrli:monetaryItemType
Period Type: instant
Balance Type: credit
Business Description & Guidance:
This is the value, as at the relevant date, for all liabilities resulting from the aggregate amount of all exposures with a negative market value. 

Form Labels
Gross Negative Market Value
Derivatives with a gross negative market value
All items on SRF 720.0 are required for Australia's National Accounts, which is based on the international standard, the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) including the definition of market price.
Gross Negative Market Value
All items on the SRF 722.0 are required for Australia's National Accounts, which is based on the international standard, the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) including the definition of market price. Do not apply netting for those contracts subject to a master netting agreement or accounting offsetting at the reporting date. Derivative contracts that have a positive market value at the reporting date must be reported separately as derivatives with a gross positive market value.