PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Label: Assets Loans And Receivables Credit Outstanding Facilities Count
TREF ID: DE15566
Data Type: xbrli:nonNegativeIntegerItemType
Period Type: instant
Business Description & Guidance:
This is the number of facilities with credit outstanding. Credit outstanding is the original loan or lease amount, less any repayments, including any redraw facilities drawn. The balance should be reported gross of provisions. 

Form Labels
Number of facilities with credit outstanding
Report for accounts that are active as at the end of the reporting period. Include loans that have been securitised.
Number of facilities with credit outstanding
Report for accounts that are active as at the end of the reporting period. Include loans that have been securitised.
Number of facilities with credit outstanding
Report for accounts that are active as at the end of the reporting period. Include loans that have been securitised.