PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Label: Assets Other Liquid Assets LCR ADIs Amount
TREF ID: DE15585
Data Type: xbrli:monetaryItemType
Period Type: instant
Balance Type: debit
Business Description & Guidance:
The value of other liquid assets for liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) are Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) eligible securities that the RBNZ will accept in its domestic market operations, assets from offshore jurisdiction eligible as alternative liquid assets (ALA) in accordance with the relevant prudential standard, and any other securities approved by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). 

Form Labels
Other liquid assets LCR ADIs 
For items 1.1 to 1.6 (column 1 - balance as at reporting date and column 2 - 5 business days prior). LCR ADIs should report all items net of any applicable margin requirements. With the exception of item 1.3, MLH ADIs can report gross amounts if their systems do not allow for margin calculations. Report outflows as positive numbers and inflows as negative numbers.