PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Label: Financial Risk Credit Claims On Corporate And Commercial Public Sector Entities Excluding Equity Amount
Data Type: xbrli:monetaryItemType
Period Type: instant
Balance Type: debit
Business Description & Guidance:
This is the value, as at the relevant date, of claims (other than equity) on Australian and International corporate counterparties (including insurance and securities companies) and commercial public sector entities. 

Form Labels
Claims (other than equity) on Australian and International corporate counterparties (including insurance and securities companies) and commercial public sector entities
APS 112 provides for an ADI to obtain approval in writing from APRA to risk-weight all claims (other than equity) held in the banking book on Australian and international corporate counterparties (including insurance and securities companies) and commercial public sector entities at 100 per cent. If an ADI has obtained approval in writing to use a 100 per cent risk-weight for these claims, it must do so in a consistent manner and not use any external ratings for any of these claims (refer to APS 112). Where this is the case, the ADI must report the total Exposures before CRM and Exposures after CRM under item 7.1.7 Unrated.