PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: TransactionIntentDimension
Label: Transaction Intent Dimension
Type: Predefined
The intent of the transaction being entered into by the reporting entity.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
CentrallyCleared Centrally Cleared DV8828
The information relates to principal-to-principal transactions novated by a central counterparty rather than settled on a bilateral basis.
Commercial Commercial DV6036
Information in relation to assets or liabilities acquired or incurred principally at arm's length transaction as per relevant accounting standards.
HedgingUnderlyingExposure Hedging Underlying Exposure DV6925
Information in relation to financial instruments acquired or incurred principally for reducing the risk of adverse price movements in an investment asset.
HeldForSale Held For Sale DV3994
Information in relation to assets or liabilities acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of resale within 12 months of acquisition.
HeldForTrading Held For Trading DV3961
Information in relation to financial assets or financial liabilities acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term; or used with the objective of generating a profit from short-term fluctuations in price or dealer's margin. These financial instruments may be a derivative.
Intermediated Intermediated DV8827
Information in relation to financial instrument transactions concluded between two principals but where the transaction is facilitated by an agent on behalf of one or both principals (e.g. an agent lender in a securities lending program).
InvestmentExposure Investment Exposure DV6927
Information in relation to financial instruments acquired to invest in an asset class.
NonCommercial Non Commercial DV6035
Information in relation to assets or liabilities acquired or incurred principally non arms length transaction per relevant accounting standards.
NotHeldForTrading Not Held For Trading DV3962
Information in relation to financial assets or financial liabilities that are either held to collect contractual cash flows and are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding or held for the purposes of collecting contractual cash flows and for sale.
NotOperational Trading and Investment DV5182
Information in relation to assets or liabilities acquired or incurred principally for profit-taking purposes.
NotTrading Not Trading DV3995
Information in relation to assets or liabilities acquired or incurred which are not principally for the purpose of short-term profit-taking.
Operational Operational DV3993
Information in relation to assets or liabilities acquired or incurred principally for use within the operations of the business and with no profit-taking motive.
OtherPurpose Other Purpose DV6924
Information in relation to financial instruments acquired for other purposes not already reported.
PortfolioRebalancing Portfolio Rebalancing DV6926
Information in relation to financial instruments used to restore the position of an asset class or investment within an asset allocation range.