PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: ContractArrangementDimension
Label: Contract Arrangement
Type: Predefined
This dimension is used to categorise reported information according to the arrangements under the contract to which the data relates.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
FacultativeExcessOfLoss Facultative Excess Of Loss DV4915
The information reported is in relation to reinsurance arrangements classed as Facultative Excess of Loss arrangements.Facultative Excess of Loss arrangements refer to non-treaty arrangements where each reinsurance contract is on an individual offer and acceptance basis. The reinsurer pays losses only above an agreed predetermined limit (retention) up to an agreed maximum amount.
FacultativeProportional Facultative Proportional DV4914
The information reported is in relation to reinsurance arrangements classed as Facultative Proportional arrangements.Facultative Proportional arrangements refer to non-treaty arrangements where each reinsurance contract is on an individual offer and acceptance basis and the reinsurer shares in the same proportion of premium and losses of the reinsured.
TreatyExcessOfLoss Treaty Excess Of Loss DV4913
The information reported is in relation to reinsurance arrangements classed as Treaty Excess of Loss arrangements.Treaty Excess of Loss refers to all reinsurance arrangements where the reinsurer is bound to accept all business ceded by the reinsured and the reinsurer pays losses only above an agreed predetermined limit (retention) up to an agreed maximum amount.
TreatyProportional Treaty Proportional DV4912
The information reported is in relation to reinsurance arrangements classed as Treaty Proportional arrangements.Treaty Proportional arrangement refers to all forms of quota share and surplus reinsurance written on a treaty reinsurance arrangement where the reinsurer is bound to accept all business ceded by the reinsured subject to the terms and conditions of the pre-agreed treaty wording, and shares in the same proportion of premium and losses of the reinsured.