PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: ExpectedLossRiskWeightDimension
Label: Expected Loss Risk Weight
Type: Predefined
This dimension is used to categorise exposures based on their assigned expected loss risk weighting, as determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
FivePercent Five Percent DV4059
Information in relation to exposures with an expected loss risk weighting of 5% in accordance with the relevant prudential standards.
OneHundredPercent One Hundred Percent DV4056
Information in relation to exposures with an expected loss risk weighting of 100% in accordance with the relevant prudential standards.
SixHundredAndTwentyFivePercent Six Hundred And Twenty Five Percent DV4055
Information in relation to exposures with an expected loss risk weighting of 625% in accordance with the relevant prudential standards.
TenPercent Ten Percent DV4058
Information in relation to exposures with an expected loss risk weighting of 10% in accordance with the relevant prudential standards.
ThirtyFivePercent Thirty Five Percent DV4057
Information in relation to exposures with an expected loss risk weighting of 35% in accordance with the relevant prudential standards.