PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: SecurityTypeDimension
Label: Security Type Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension is used to segment data based on the categories in the asset exposure tables contained in the prudential standards.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
GuaranteedAustGovt Guaranteed Aust Govt DV4823
Is guaranteed by an Australian state or Federal government.
GuaranteedCurrencyNatGovt Guaranteed Currency Nat Govt DV4822
Is guaranteed by a national government being the national government of the country in whose currency the liabilities of the statutory fund are denominated.
GuaranteedCurrencyProvGovt Guaranteed Currency Prov Govt DV4821
Is guaranteed by an overseas provincial government (equivalent in status to an Australian State government), being a government in the country in whose currency the liabilities of the statutory fund are denominated.
Mortgage Mortgage DV3984
Is a mortgage which is: i) 100% mortgage insured with an authorised insurer under the Insurance Act 1973; or ii) a first mortgage of an amount not exceeding 70% of the market value of the security; or iii) made up of a first and all of any subsequent mortgages on the same security, the combined value of which does not exceed 70% of the market value of the security.
OtherExposure Other Exposure DV3982
Is any asset not covered by any of the above categories.
OtherSecurity Other Security DV7287
The information reported is in relation to other security. This is a balancing item in the list in which it is being used.
OtherSpecified Other Specified DV3983
Is: i) any other actively traded security; ii) a non-traded security, loan, or reinsurance arrangement with a grade of 1, 2 or 3 per Attachment 1 of the General Standard; or iii) real estate; or iv) other income producing real property asset.
OutstandingPremiums Outstanding Premiums DV3985
Is outstanding premiums receivable by a reinsurer under a reinsurance policy with a registered life company.
SecuredBills Secured Bills DV4820
Is secured by bank bills.
SecuredDeposits Secured Deposits DV4819
Is secured by bank deposits.
SecuredPolicyOther Secured Policy Other DV3986
Is secured by a life insurance policy, other than a reinsurance policy covered by (f) or (g) above, with a registered life company that is not an associated or subsidiary entity.
SecuredPolicyOtherAssoc Secured Policy Other Assoc DV3987
Is secured by a life insurance policy, other than a reinsurance policy covered by (f) or (g) above, with a registered life company that is an associated or subsidiary entity.
SecuredPolicyRegReinsurer Secured Policy Reg Reinsurer DV4818
Is secured by a life insurance policy with a Specialist Reinsurer registered under the Act.
SecuredPolicyReinsurerOSBus Secured Policy Reinsurer OS Bus DV3988
Is secured by a life insurance policy with a Reinsurer in respect of overseas business which is: i) a Reinsurer in the same country as that in which the business is written; and ii) is the parent or sister company of a Specialist Reinsurer.