PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: MarketRiskSubPortfolioTypeDimension
Label: Market Risk Sub Portfolio Type
Type: Predefined
This dimension categorises information reported based on the sub-portfolio and the presence of specific risk factors within the sub-portfolio, as determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
SubPortfolioContainingSpecificRisk Sub Portfolio Containing Specific Risk DV5044
The information reported relates to the sub-portfolio of exposures which contain specific risk. This is applicable where the reporting party is calculating the specific risk modelling surcharge by identifying sub-portfolios that contain specific risk.     Specific risk represents the risk that the value of a security, or instrument, will change due to issuer-specific factors. It applies to interest rate and equity positions related to a specific issuer.
SubPortfolioNotContainingSpecificRisk Sub Portfolio Not Containing Specific Risk DV5043
The information reported relates to the sub-portfolio of exposures which do not contain specific risk. This is applicable where the reporting party is calculating the specific risk modelling surcharge by identifying sub-portfolios that contain specific risk.     Specific risk represents the risk that the value of a security, or instrument, will change due to issuer-specific factors. It applies to interest rate and equity positions related to a specific issuer.