PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: LoanAgeDimension
Label: Loan Age
Type: Predefined
This dimension is used to categorise reported loan information according to the age of the loan.The age of a loan represents the length of time from the date of origination of the loan to the date of calculation.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
GTE10Y Greater Than or Equal to 10 Years DV5336
The information reported is in relation to loans which have an age of greater than or equal to 10 years.The age of a loan represents the length of time from the date of origination of the loan to the date of calculation.
GTE3YLT5Y Greater Than or Equal to 3 Years but Less Than 5 Years DV5334
The information reported is in relation to loans which have an age of greater than or equal to 3 years but less than 5 years.The age of a loan represents the length of time from the date of origination of the loan to the date of calculation.
GTE5YLT10Y Greater Than or Equal to 5 Years but Less Than 10 Years DV5335
The information reported is in relation to loans which have an age of greater than or equal to 5 years but less than 10 years.The age of a loan represents the length of time from the date of origination of the loan to the date of calculation.
LT3Y Less Than 3 Years DV5333
The information reported is in relation to loans which have an age of less than 3 years.The age of a loan represents the length of time from the date of origination of the loan to the date of calculation.