PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: StressTestingChangeInCreditSpreadDimension
Label: Stress Testing Change In Credit Spread Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension is used to represent the relevant stress testing scenario to which a change in the current credit spread is applied to the calculation of the reported information.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
Decrease50Percent Decrease 50 Percent DV5535
The information reported is based upon the application of a stress testing scenario representing a 50 per cent decrease in the current credit spread of relevant positions. The current credit spread would be market implied credit spread derived from the current market price of the security.
Increase100Percent Increase 100 Percent DV5534
The information reported is based upon the application of a stress testing scenario representing a 100 per cent increase in the current credit spread of relevant positions. The current credit spread would be market implied credit spread derived from the current market price of the security.