PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: FairValueHierarchyDimension
Label: Fair Value Hierarchy Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension categorises the reported information based on the method used in calculating the Fair Value Hierarchy, as determined in accordance with relevant accounting standards.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
Level1QuotedMarketPrices Level 1 Quoted Market Prices DV6165
The calculation method in relation to Fair Value Hierarchy is Quoted Market Prices referred to as Level 1.
Level2ObservableInputs Level 2 Observable Inputs DV6164
The calculation method in relation to Fair Value Hierarchy is Observable Inputs referred to as Level 2.
Level3SignificantNonObservableInputs Level 3 Significant Non Observable Inputs DV6163
The calculation method in relation to Fair Value Hierarchy is Significant Non-observable Inputs referred to as Level 3.