PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: RiskRequirementTypeDimension
Label: Risk Requirement Type Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension classifies the reported information by relevant risk requirement types.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
AdministrationReserve Administration Reserve DV6249
The information reported is in relation to administration reserve. This represents a reserve comprising the difference between the cumulative value of administration fees charged but not yet allocated for payment of administration costs.
InvestmentReserve Investment Reserve DV6248
The information reported is in relation to investment reserve. Investment reserves represent the difference between the cumulative value of investment income (net of investment expenses) allocated to members' accounts compared to the cumulative investment income (net of investment expenses) earned.
OperationalRiskFinancialRequirement Operational Risk Financial Requirement DV6250
The information reported is in relation to operational risk financial requirement (ORFR). Represents the amount held for the purposes of meeting the operational risk financial requirement. An ORFR must be separately identifiable from member accounts and reserves held for other purposes. This item is to be determined in accordance with relevant prudential standards.
OtherReserves Other Reserves DV6247
The information reported is in relation to other reserves. This is a balancing item in the list in which it is being used.
SelfInsuranceReserve Self Insurance Reserve DV6251
The information reported is in relation to self insurance reserve. This represents a reserve set aside for future self-insurance events and purposes.