PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: MembersBenefitTypeDimension
Label: Members Benefit Type Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension categorises the reported data according to the types of movements in members' benefits liability.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
BenefitsPayment Benefits Payment DV6390
The information reported is in relation to all benefits that have been paid. Includes: insurance claim benefits or proceeds first credited to members' accounts and subsequently disbursed along with members' benefits to the member or beneficiary. Excludes: rollovers and successor fund transfers. In accordance with the relevant Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations.
EmployerContribution Employer Contribution DV6402
The information reported is in relation to contributions made by an employer on behalf of the member.
EmployerContributionSalarySacrifice Employer Contribution Salary Sacrifice DV6400
The information reported relates to contributions via an arrangement under which an employee agrees to forego part of his or her total remuneration that he or she would otherwise expect to receive as salary or wages, in return for the employer, or an associate of the employer, providing contribution benefits of a similar value.
EmployerContributionSuperGuarantee Employer Contribution Super Guarantee DV6389
The information reported relates to contributions made by an employer to the registrable superannuation entity (RSE) to meet its obligations under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act. Includes: defined contribution employers' contributions. Excludes: defined benefit contributions.
KiwiSaver KiwiSaver DV6404
The information reported relates to a KiwiSaver scheme as given within the meaning in the KiwiSaver Act.
LowIncomeSuperTaxOffset Low Income Super Tax Offset DV8166
The information reported relates to low income superannuation tax offsets paid to the registrable superannuation entity (RSE) for an individual member within the purposes of the Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low Income Earners) Act.
LumpSumBenefitPayment Lump Sum Benefit Payment DV6394
The information reported is in relation to benefit payments that have been paid as a lump sum under a condition of release, from pooled superannuation trust arrangements or classed as another benefit payment type. Includes insurance claims benefits or proceeds first credited to members' accounts and subsequently disbursed along with members' benefits to member or beneficiary as a lump sum benefit payment.
MemberContribution Member Contribution DV6399
The information reported relates to contributions made by a member as defined in the Member Contribution Statement (MCS). This includes non excluded capital gains or capital proceeds and personal injury payments, direct termination payments, other third party contributions (low income super tax offsets and co-contributions and other family and friend contributions as defined in the MCS) and other contributions made by a person other than the employer.
MemberContributionLowIncomeEarners Member Contribution Low Income Earners DV6391
The information reported relates to contributions made by the Federal Government to the registrable superannuation entity (RSE) for an individual member within the purposes of the Tax Laws Amendment (Stronger, Fairer, Simpler and Other Measures) Bill.
MemberContributionPersonal Member Contribution Personal DV6403
The information reported relates to contributions made by a member as defined in the Member Contribution Statement, Includes: contributions which have counted toward the non-concessional and concessional contributions cap, non excluded capital gains or capital proceeds and personal injury payments, direct termination payments and contributions from another entity on the members behalf, capital gains tax (CGT) personal injury exclusions, direct termination payments (DTPs) (made by a member to an account in their own name including both deducted and non-deducted member contributions).
MemberGovernmentCoContribution Member Government Co Contribution DV6396
The information reported relates to contributions made by the Federal Government to the registrable superannuation entity (RSE) under the Superannuation (Government Co-Contribution for Low Income Earners) Act.
Other Other DV6397
The information reported relates to any other flow that affects the members benefits liability balance.
OtherContribution Other Contribution DV6398
The information reported relates to any other contribution to the members benefits.
PensionBenefitPayment Pension Benefit Payment DV6392
The information reported relates to benefit that have been paid as a pension under a condition of release. Includes: complying pensions, allocated pensions, annuity payments and payments from longevity products/variable annuities. Excludes: amounts resulting from the commutation of pension benefits.
Rollover Rollover DV6401
The information reported relates to member benefit entitlements that are transferred between superannuation funds, approved deposit funds, deferred annuities or retirement savings accounts.
SuccessorFundTransfer Successor Fund Transfer DV6395
The information reported relates to a transfer of a member's benefits without the member's consent from one registrable superannuation entity (RSE) to a successor fund within the meaning given in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations.