PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: ClaimsAdmittedPeriodDimension
Label: Claims Admitted Period Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension is used to categorise reported information according to the time period within which a claim is admitted.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
AfterReportingPeriod After Reporting Period DV5278
The reported information is effective after the current reporting period.
BeforeReportingPeriod Before Reporting Period DV5279
The reported information is effective before the current reporting period.
CurrentPeriod Current Period DV5277
The reported information is effective during the current reporting period.
Prior10Months Prior 10 Months DV7898
The information reported is in relation to 10 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior11Months Prior 11 Months DV7915
The information reported is in relation to 11 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior12Months Prior 12 Months DV7902
The information reported is in relation to 12 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior13Months Prior 13 Months DV7899
The information reported is in relation to 13 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior14Months Prior 14 Months DV7923
The information reported is in relation to 14 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior15Months Prior 15 Months DV7925
The information reported is in relation to 15 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior16Months Prior 16 Months DV7900
The information reported is in relation to 16 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior17Months Prior 17 Months DV7905
The information reported is in relation to 17 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior18Months Prior 18 Months DV7913
The information reported is in relation to 18 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior19Months Prior 19 Months DV7938
The information reported is in relation to 19 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior1Month Prior 1 Month DV7928
The information reported is in relation to 1 month prior to the reporting date.
Prior20Months Prior 20 Months DV7930
The information reported is in relation to 20 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior21Months Prior 21 Months DV7903
The information reported is in relation to 21 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior22Months Prior 22 Months DV7920
The information reported is in relation to 22 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior23Months Prior 23 Months DV7936
The information reported is in relation to 23 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior24Months Prior 24 Months DV7932
The information reported is in relation to 24 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior25Months Prior 25 Months DV7894
The information reported is in relation to 25 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior26Months Prior 26 Months DV7919
The information reported is in relation to 26 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior27Months Prior 27 Months DV7897
The information reported is in relation to 27 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior28Months Prior 28 Months DV7895
The information reported is in relation to 28 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior29Months Prior 29 Months DV7910
The information reported is in relation to 29 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior2BusinessDays Prior 2 Business Days DV9029
The information reported is in relation to data from the business 2 days prior to the reporting date.
Prior2Months Prior 2 Months DV7940
The information reported is in relation to 2 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior30Months Prior 30 Months DV7904
The information reported is in relation to 30 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior31Months Prior 31 Months DV7906
The information reported is in relation to 31 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior32Months Prior 32 Months DV7914
The information reported is in relation to 32 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior33Months Prior 33 Months DV7929
The information reported is in relation to 33 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior34Months Prior 34 Months DV7896
The information reported is in relation to 34 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior35Months Prior 35 Months DV7916
The information reported is in relation to 35 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior36Months Prior 36 Months DV7901
The information reported is in relation to 36 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior37Months Prior 37 Months DV7924
The information reported is in relation to 37 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior38Months Prior 38 Months DV7911
The information reported is in relation to 38 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior39Months Prior 39 Months DV7922
The information reported is in relation to 39 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior3BusinessDays Prior 3 Business Days DV9028
The information reported is in relation to data from the business 3 days prior to the reporting date.
Prior3Months Prior 3 Months DV7907
The information reported is in relation to 3 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior40Months Prior 40 Months DV7931
The information reported is in relation to 40 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior41Months Prior 41 Months DV7939
The information reported is in relation to 41 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior42Months Prior 42 Months DV7933
The information reported is in relation to 42 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior43Months Prior 43 Months DV7909
The information reported is in relation to 43 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior44Months Prior 44 Months DV7918
The information reported is in relation to 44 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior45Months Prior 45 Months DV7908
The information reported is in relation to 45 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior46Months Prior 46 Months DV7917
The information reported is in relation to 46 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior47Months Prior 47 Months DV7927
The information reported is in relation to 47 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior48Months Prior 48 Months DV7937
The information reported is in relation to 48 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior4BusinessDays Prior 4 Business Days DV9026
The information reported is in relation to data from the business 4 days prior to the reporting date.
Prior4Months Prior 4 Months DV7941
The information reported is in relation to 4 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior5BusinessDays Prior 5 Business Days DV9031
The information reported is in relation to data from the business 5 days prior to the reporting date.
Prior5Months Prior 5 Months DV7893
The information reported is in relation to 5 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior6Months Prior 6 Months DV7926
The information reported is in relation to 6 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior7Months Prior 7 Months DV7912
The information reported is in relation to 7 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior8Months Prior 8 Months DV7921
The information reported is in relation to 8 months prior to the reporting date.
Prior9Months Prior 9 Months DV7934
The information reported is in relation to 9 months prior to the reporting date.
PriorBusinessDays Prior Business Days DV9027
The information reported is in relation to data from the business day prior to the reporting date.
ReportingBusinessDay Reporting Business Day DV9030
The information reported is in relation to data from the business day deemed to be the reporting date.
ReportingPeriod12M Reporting Period 12 M DV6189
The information reported covers the next 12 month period as at the reporting date.
SameMonth Same Month DV7935
The information reported is in relation to the month of the reporting date.