PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: MemberAccountTaxPhaseDimension
Label: Member Account Tax Phase Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension represents the tax phase of a member account.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
BothTaxedAndTaxFree Both Taxed And Tax Free DV7028
Represents member accounts that are both in taxed and tax free phase.
TaxFree Tax Free DV7026
Represents where the members' benefits are no longer liable for income tax on earnings due to the members' benefits being identified as in the 'retirement phase' within the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act.
TaxFreeUnderBothTaxedAndTaxFreePhase Tax Free Under Both Taxed And Tax Free Phase DV7029
Represents members' benefits in tax free phase only when a member account is under both taxed and tax free phase.
Taxed Taxed DV7027
Represents where the members' benefits are liable for income tax on earnings due to the members' benefits being identified as in the 'accumulation phase' within the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act.
TaxedUnderBothTaxedAndTaxFreePhase Taxed Under Both Taxed And Tax Free Phase DV7025
Represents members' benefits in taxed phase only when a member account is under both taxed and tax free phase.