PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: PrimaryHoldingPeriodTypeDimension
Label: Primary Holding Period Type Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension categorises information based on the primary holding period type, which is the predominant approach to frequency of trading assets in the investment strategy.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
LE1Wk LE 1 Wk DV7075
The reported information relates to items that have a holding period less than 1 week.
MT12LE24Months MT 12 LE 24 Months DV7079
The reported information relates to items that have a holding period more than 12 months and less than or equal to 24 months.
MT1LE3Months MT 1 LE 3 Months DV7078
The reported information relates to items that have a holding period more than 1 month and less than or equal to 3 months.
MT1WkLE1Month MT 1 Wk LE 1 Month DV7074
The reported information relates to items that have a holding period more than 1 week and less than or equal to 1 month.
MT24Months MT 24 Months DV7077
The information reported relates to item where the holding period type is more than 24 months.
MT3LE6Months MT 3 LE 6 Months DV7076
The reported information relates to items that have a holding period more than 3 months and less than or equal to 6 months.
MT6LE9Months MT 6 LE 9 Months DV7073
The reported information relates to items that have a holding period more than 6 months and less than or equal to 9 months.
MT9LE12Months MT 9 LE 12 Months DV7081
The reported information relates to items that have a holding period more than 9 months and less than or equal to 12 months.
Multiple Multiple DV7080
The reported information relates to items with a multiple holding period type, which represents a combination of two or more primary holding period types.