PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: TypesOfCollateralDimension
Label: Types Of Collateral Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension categorises information reported according to the type of collateral offered.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
Cash Cash DV7085
The information reported relates to cash on hand and demand deposits, as well as cash equivalents. Cash equivalents represent short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value in accordance with the relevant accounting standard.
MultipleClasses Multiple Classes DV7087
The information reported relates to collateral offered across multiple asset classes.
Other Other DV7084
The information reported relates to collateral offered other than that already classified.
Securities Securities DV7086
The information reported relates to financial instruments that represent debt (i.e. a creditor relationship with a borrower) or equity (i.e. an ownership in a corporation).