PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: FundingTypeDimension
Label: Funding Type Dimension
Type: Predefined
The information reported relates to types of funding.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
AtCall At Call DV7345
The information reported is in relation to funds on deposit that are payable immediately and in full upon demand. Funds are available at call or overnight.
NotAtCall Not At Call DV8386
The information reported is in relation to funds on deposit that are not payable immediately or upon demand. Funds are only available after periods longer than at call or overnight.
NotLending Not Lending DV7344
The information relates to transactions where the entity has a funding obligation that does not involve a lending commitment.
Term Term DV7346
The information reported is in relation to a cash investment held at a financial institution for an agreed rate of interest over a fixed amount of time, known as a term.