PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: ExcessAndCoPaymentAmountsDimension
Label: Excess And Co Payment Amounts Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension categorises the reported data according to the excess and co-payment amounts payable.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
GreaterThan500Or1000 Greater Than 500 Or 1000 DV7653
The information reported is in relation to the excess and co-payment of greater than $500 for policies covering only one person or greater than $1,000 for policies covering more than one person.
LessThanOrEqualTo500Or1000 Less Than Or Equal To 500 Or 1000 DV7655
The information reported is in relation to the excess and co-payment of less than or equal to $500 for policies covering only one person or less than or equal to $1,000 for policies covering more than one person.
Nil Nil DV7654
The information reported is in relation to a nil excess and co-payment amount.