PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: TreatmentServicesDimension
Label: Treatment Services Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension categorises the reported data according to the type of treatment services provided.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
GeneralTreatmentOnly General Treatment Only DV7641
The information reported is in relation to treatments that are general treatment but none that are hospital or hospital-substitute treatment.
HospitalAndGeneralTreatmentCombined Hospital And General Treatment Combined DV7638
The information reported is in relation to treatments that are hospital treatment and general treatment.
HospitalTreatmentOnly Hospital Treatment Only DV7640
The information reported is in relation to treatments that are only hospital treatment.
TreatmentThatIncludesHospital Treatment That Includes Hospital DV7639
The information reported is in relation to any treatment that includes hospital treatment.