PET - Plain English Taxonomy

Name: HealthBenefitsFundDimension
Label: Health Benefits Fund Dimension
Type: Predefined
This dimension categorises the reported data according to the reporting health benefits fund as defined in the Private Health Insurance Act.

Dimension Members
Name Label TREF ID Description
HealthBenefitsFund1 Health Benefits Fund 1 DV8026
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 1 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund10 Health Benefits Fund 10 DV8035
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 10 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund2 Health Benefits Fund 2 DV8027
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 2 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund3 Health Benefits Fund 3 DV8028
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 3 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund4 Health Benefits Fund 4 DV8029
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 4 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund5 Health Benefits Fund 5 DV8030
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 5 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund6 Health Benefits Fund 6 DV8031
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 6 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund7 Health Benefits Fund 7 DV8032
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 7 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund8 Health Benefits Fund 8 DV8033
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 8 for the reporting private health insurer.
HealthBenefitsFund9 Health Benefits Fund 9 DV8034
The information reported is in relation to the approved health benefits fund 9 for the reporting private health insurer.